Saturday, August 19, 2006

Don't Forget To Dream.

If it's so easy to face life and think that you'll never get anywhere, then how come so many of us are well into our years and still not anywhere close to where we want to be?
I think that the answer truly lies within us if we would just do one simple thing: don't forget to dream.
I mean don't just sit in bed and think about our dreams, but really take stock in them, and try to understand their message.
Dreams are like our inner PDA's that remind us that we are somebody (...thanks to Rev. Jesse Jackson for that phrase !!).
Sure it's easy to overlook dreams as just a thing that passes in the night, and yes, dreams are a cheap road to glory, but if you understand, I mean truly understand all that dreams can offer in their truest essence, we would listen much more closely, because we'd realize that that is Allah (God) sending us a divine message, or more importantly, a road map with distinct directions to ourselves.
So many of us let fools stand in our way (fill in your own blanks here______), and short circuit what Allah has laid out for us. We get sidetracked with nonsense, instead of using our good sense and packing our spiritual bags. All we end up doing is being stuck, and further complaining that no one will listen to you.
For me, my dream has always been to play music for the masses, and little by little I'm starting to awaken to myself and realizing that I can in fact achieve my dreams, and I'm working harder at them.
So as you lull off to sleep tonight, start to think about what it is that makes you whole in your life, what will give you true fulfillment, close your eyes now, and whatever you do...don't forget to dream.
Sleep well...

Support Live music today tomorrow and always.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Musician's Etiquette

As with many things,music can sometimes get so deeply into your soul that you feel compelled to dance, or move. Sometimes the spirit moves you so much that you could jump right up on stage and start grooving with the musicians doing their job.
Well unfortunately, I have seen that aspect happen once too often, and I decided maybe I should tackle this subject a little...since in reality, it's sort of a sore spot for some musicians.
In a nightclub setting, the musicians are there for one purpose, to excite a crowd into feeling their music which in turn hopefully earns them fans, and/or fame (and all that goes with it...).
Many times there are other musicians in the audience who as fans or spectators can feel the music just like the audience members, and they get the notion to jump up on stage and join in.
I hate to be the one to break this to you...but it's not cool to do that !!
Quantifying my statement here, I need you to understand that mostly all musicians share the same make it big in this business. The thing that makes jumping up on stage a bad thing is that in fact it is better to be invited up by the musicians on stage, because it shows a respect for their show for one thing and a respect for them as artists.
There are so many musicians who I truly admire, and their music really moves me, but unless I'm invited to the stage I sit in the audience and just try to learn from them, go home after my experience and practice on my own, their music.
I always have to try and realize that so many musicians want to be with great bands that oftentimes they will do almost anything to be a part of it.
Buying drinks for certain band members (or the band...), trying to hang around them etc.Well, the reality is that some of you (myself included) need to work on being better musicians and making your presentations in your own situations viable enough to get you noticed by everyone. This in turn will hopefully lead you to getting the notice from other musicians who will then invite you happily to their stage.
It's just a bit of musician's etiquette, but it makes your desire to be in the business a more palpable one, because you're taking time to 1.make yourself a more effective musician, and 2.shows that you have some true integrity as a musician...being patient will garner you more recogniton.
Just remember the old addage...if you want to capture someone's attention, whisper.

Support Live music today tomorrow and always.