Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just Chillin' Today

Ahhh Saturday, it's rainy and a little gloomy out but it is a day off, and I'm gonna make the most of it.
I was telling my wife this morning that when I was a kid, rainy days never stopped my enthusiasm. I enjoyed myself none the less.
I had such a great imagination that I always found something fun to do. Whether drawing pictures, playing my saxophone, terrorizing my sister ( or getting terrorized back...), I had something worthwhile to do.
Today, I'm sorry to say that many youngsters seemed to be lost without the sun, or their cell phones or their computer screens or TV, and I feel just a hint of sadness for them. I did things with my parents to be sure, but mostly I depended on my own imagination to dictate the course of the day.
Which brings me to the point of the this post...
Right now at least since I'm unable to hit the stage with my band mates, I can't let too much grass grow under my feet and fret about what I can't do. I don't happen to think that my time on the stage has completely come to an end ,but because of my vocal cord problem it seriously limits what I can do as a singer.
So, just like on those rainy days, I'm letting my imagination take the helm a little and move me into something useful.
Last weekend thanks to friend and fellow blogger Scarlet Tanager, I've finally learned how to place pictures and videos on my blog. So the first thing that I'm gonna attemp today is to post a few pictures of the Carpenter Ants and me, so you can begin to know some of the folks that I've been telling you about lo these many years now.
Also, I'm gonna add a few new links to my sidebar and start to zero in on a theme here.
Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that although it's kinda nasty out, I'm keeping my sunny attitude and plow through the day, and make the most of it. But along the way there'll be breakfast, a little TV (Food Network, NYPD Blue...) a couple of books that I started, and most importantly, hanging out with Mrs Tee.
I do hope that everyone has a wonderful fun filled weekend, and that it's sunny where you are (even if it's just sunny in your mind...), and that your time is filled with love. Have a good one y'all, and eat an extra pancake for me.
Support Live music today tomorrow and always.

1 comment:

libco said...

Here's hopin' to see you soon.