Saturday, February 04, 2012

Getting Older

Lately I've been listening to the "fued" between Elton John and Madonna. Seemingly it's more on Elton than the Material girl.
Here's the situation: recently at the Golden Globe Awards, these two were up for the same award, and when Madonna won, John not only became undone about it, he also completely trashed Madonna and her efforts.
Now please understand, I don't for one minute think that either one of them are by far the greatest things that entertainment world has produced. I believe though that both in their own way are talented (to whatever extent is not for me to least in this sitting),but really at that level, sour grapes.
Both of them have contributed to pop culture, both have had major influences on the fabric of our lives, but sour grapes?
I am genuinely surprised at Elton John. It's hard for me to fathom him being this spoiled about an award that truly has no bearing on his stature in the music industry.
The simple fact is that we all are and will be getting older, and our time in the sun is limited at best and just because it's necessary entity we should use up this time focusing on much worthwhile things like figuring out how to change the political, spiritual and financial climate in the world.
If you've been following the political world, it is in a huge fix, these people can't agree on anything; it's an every man for himself mentality. In the spiritual realm, that climate is even darker. It's a cage match at best between all the religious factions. And yes from the standpoint of your own belief, Armeggedon could truly soon be here.
In the financial corner, and I'll say this from my own standpoint, I'm so broke I can't pay attention. you get the picture.
So why then would a man who really does have everything (at least in my mind...) get this bent out of shape? Just this morning Elton was asked about Madonna's upcoming Superbowl performance, and he made some comment about her lip singing. This is too much even for me to deal with.
When I was younger and even at the beginning of my blogging days lo those many years ago, I have dreamed of being on big stages playing my music for the masses. In truth, I still do; but I also am smart enough to know that 1. everybody is not always lucky enough to be accepted in this way, and 2. everybody is getting older, and might have to face the fact that some things must come to and end.
Elton John has been on the scene since the 70's. That's one helluva ride. He's thrown away dollars that I haven't come close to seeing. Madonna has been around since the 80's, and probably has thrown away just as much, but by comparison there is still time for her before throwing the towel.
What my two colleagues need to do is bury the hatchet, forgive each other their shortcomings and get on with it.
There is enough strife in the universe that we don't need more blood fueds. Each of these artists are different from each other; embrace it and make it work. There is no perfect song nor perfect performers. There is only emotion and feeling, and these are the only things that should be getting older.
Go out this weekend and catch some local performances. Have a good one. See ya soon.

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