Saturday, May 01, 2010

Somebody's Watching You

It always amazes me when someone  walks up to me out of the clear blue sky and says that they've enjoyed hearing me sing or play the saxophone.
I don't know why, but it sort of stuns me at first, mainly because in the vastness of an audience, you're just never sure who's out there. I mean I see people's faces, but for one reason or another it just doesn't register to me that they've been in attendance.
Just such a thing happened this past week, when a fella came up to me and said that he really enjoyed the performance we did at Tamarak (a West Virginia tourist attraction...). He said the song that we did for the recent deaths of the coal miners was especially moving.
For all of the years that I've been playing music, there have always been songs that simply touched my heart, and "This World is not My Home," is up there with the best of them.
I feel saddened at the loss of those 29 gentleman, but that sadness made realize that although I didn't know any of them personally, I know them in my heart, and that somebody's is watching you...all the time.
In this age of nameless faceless dealing, everyday, people cross our paths.
Certainly if you're on the stage, people see you, if you're in the public eye people see you, but even when you think that no one would give a damn about you, somebody's watching you.
We can and should take a page from this tragedy and reach out to each other. We as human beings need each other, just like water and air.
I need money, but not nearly as much as I need the velocity of friendship.
The other page that we could take is to realize that we aren't as insignificant as we seem, and it shouldn't take a tramatic event for us to see that.
So what am I proposing? I'm proposing that we look around just a little bit and acknowledge that soul right next to yours, and see past the veneer of their exterior. Let their melody resonate in yours. As I always say, shake a hand make a friend, it's important folks 'cause somebody's watching you.
Gotta go y'all, have a great weekend...

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1 comment:

Sherry Pasquarello said...

love it charlie and it is so true.