Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Warmth of the Holiday (Food for Thought)

Musicians like any army, travels on its stomach. Meaning we love to eat, and seeing how this is the Thanksgiving weekend, I figured now is as good a time as any to tell you just how much we like to eat.
Unless we're making thousands of dollars, which let's face it most of ain't, the best we can hope for is to get a good meal out of the deal.
For those reasons most musicians either get hooked up with someone who can cook, or we take it upon ourselves to be good cooks. For me it's kinda both...My late wife Vickie was a great cook, I love to cook ( as evidenced by my picture...), and now that Vickie is gone from my life, my friend Robin has taken over.
Tonight for dinner she made turkey and dumplings, and it knocked me out of my socks it was so good..
Usually, we try to leave some leftovers for the next few days for lunches and etc. but this meal gave its life for service to my stomach, it died a proud American meal.
In the course of my life and especially since I've been a musician, what I haven't made in dollars, I've made up for in meals.
In the band we've been fortunate enough to do some pretty aggresive travel over the years and we've eaten in some really great places along the way.
You know a meal is good when you start singing songs in your mind like.... MMM MMM MMM MMM MMMMM !!!
Don't laugh, you know I'm telling the truth here...
Anyway, during the warmth of the holiday, I wanted to give you all some food for thought.Enjoy your meals, dine well, remember that there are those less fortunate, keep them in your prayers and feed them when you can. Sharing food is like sharing music, it's an experience best shared with others.
Happy holidays everybody.

Support Live music today tomorrow and always.

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