Sunday, March 25, 2007

The, the real one.

For the last few weeks, all I've heard from virtually everywhere is about the new book "The Secret." It has been a part of our daily vocabulary for weeks now.
Seemingly this buzz started when Oprah Winfrey commented about the book twice on her show, and of course when she talks it up, it becomes a great success.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm very proud of my sister Oprah, but really, haven't we gone just a little over the edge with the need to feel fulfilled, especially when we're told to dream it and we'll attrack it. I do believe that things come our way when we envision them, but I don't need to spend my hard earned cash for that to come about.
Everyone who really knows me (and that's a whole lotta folks...) knows that the only true dream that I've ever had is to play music for a living. Tell me, where did I go wrong. I'm not necessarily any closer to that goal than I've ever been. I'm not complaining though, because I know the real secret.
What is it you ask ? Well, first of all I'm gonna tell you that when I tell you what this secret is you'll kick yourself for not realizing this sooner (although, I think you know already), and I won't be asking for a fee for this disclosure, it comes free of charge solely because I like you.
OK enough BS, the secret, here is the simple formula: P + O = L.
That formula is preparation and opportunity equal luck
How is this the secret? Well if you think about it our whole life is the search for the perfect opportunity to make things better for ourselves. There are some things that inherently come our way when we set our belief toward it.
In truth I am pretty close to getting what I want out of life, but it didn't come because I attracked it, it's coming because I've worked my butt off toward it. I have spent countless hours in pursuit of it. I've met endless people who have helped me even a little bit, and I've never discounted their help. I saw the little amount or great amount as the same...helpful. It made me walk toward it or shy away from it. So the choice has been mine all along.
So the secret, no, the real one, don't stop believing in yourself, use any and all opportunities to further your goals. Don't spend your hard earned money on a book that tells you what you already know. Go to your local library, the place where real dreams are made, the one true place where a poor person and a rich person are on equal footing. Listen to the music , and relax. Not giving into stress will take it away long enough for you to think clearly and realistically about changing your circumstance.
Another way to see this: if you have to rob a bank in order to attend the seminars of the authors of the secret, then the secret is that they won't get you out of jail, nor go your bond, Then the secret would be that you're a fool, and we just can't have that now, can we?

Support live music today tomorrow and always...oh wait! here's another secret, music really does help us and heal us. Listen to it earnestly, and openly, and it will unlock your deepest secret...passion.

1 comment:

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi charlie. : )