Sunday, December 16, 2007

Harlem and The Bronx (the making of Charlie Tee) #6

In this post I'm going to tell you about a phrase that my Mother used to say to me throughout my life, and why it's still relevant to me today.

"Every cloud has a silver lining..."
If I heard that one hundred times, I heard it once. My Mother was always fond of telling my Sister and I that because she wanted us to know that when you least expect it a dark cloud can become bright and fluffy, and full of life giving light.
Every now and again in my quest to be in the music industry full time, I get sidetracked by my negative emotions. In reality I know that the Carpenter Ants are doing just fine, we play alot through the year, and we've existed for over 20 years ( the fellas have been together for that long; I've been with them going on 17 years...), but I just dream so big sometimes that it gets the better of me.
In truth, although I would give almost anything to be on a greater stage, it's really unrealistic. By this I mean that at least 2 of my bandmates, although very talented, have day jobs in which they've served for going on 28, and 29 years respectively. So asking them to up and leave without gaining their pensions would absolutely not be fair of me. It's like asking them to walk out on a building ledge and just dangle off the side.
If I needed to be rescued that might be one thing, some consideration might be in order, but this is asking too much...even for me.
They have families and significant others that they must attend to, and so do I for that matter. So I sit to myself and muse about where I'd be if I were younger and single
Now here's where that phrase comes roaring into my head and into my life: with the exeption of me being really sick over the course of the Summer, we've played more than most bands that I know of, here and in New York.
While I gripe about what could be, I have to realize what is...this music may be a young person's game but I'm in it as well, I've gained some notariety, I have 4 CD's on the market, and more than anything, I have 3 of the best friends that I've ever had...all of this without a lawyer too.
I thank Allah (God) everyday for Michael, Ted and Jupiter, and our music, and the patience that they've taught me.
See..., now I'm looking up and the sky is beautiful...and the sky's the limit.
The black has turned to silver.

Support Live music today tomorrow and always.

1 comment:

Sherry Pasquarello said...

and it shines so bright!