Saturday, February 20, 2010

"From the Beginning."

"You see it's all clear, you were meant to be here...from the beginning..."

That of course is a line from the great Emerson Lake and Palmer song of the same name.

I was at work yesterday and got 2 different compliments about the same thing: being helpful.
The first came from a gentleman who I've seen at places where I've played around town, but I'm afraid I don't actually know his name. I do know that he is involved with the Alban theater ( a new venue here where I live that's doing quite well in the community). He's on the board of directors.
Anyway, he knew that I've been fighting being ill and asked how I was doing and if I were back to playing music yet. When I said that I'm making little stabs at it, he then asked if I wrote music, to which I replied that I do. He told me that there is a project being put together, and the people involved are doing music about the Coal River (also located here in St Albans...). I told him that I had received an e-mail from another friend about this very project. He then said that "it's a shame that you're not playing, as I think that you're one of the most tasteful saxophone players around..."
He said this right in front of my co-workers and my boss, and I turned 2 shades of white with embarrassment.
The second compliment came from a lady whose husband is an artist and painter. A few years back he did a display of his artwork at my library. It was the first time he had ever done a public viewing of any sort. I didn't quite rememebr this part of it, but his wife said that he did this showing at my insistance. Now as it turns out, he been asked to do his work in a number of other places and for a number of people and he's getting some residuals to boot. That's wonderful.
I have have a hard time receiving compliments, from anyone. I help people because I just feel like it's the right thing sometimes to encourage people with a dream, especially when against all odds they're trying their best to put it out there. I don't want anything from it but to see folks achieve what they strive for. It's just that simple.
One lesson that I've learned in life is that everyone has to have a starting point, a spark that sets off their fires. Oftentimes even from our own families it's hard to get encouragement. Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't be real with folks, because that's a part of the reality...sometimes it just ain't that good. At that point maybe the encouragement should come along the lines of some training or etc. then that would be real and encouraging at the same time.
In the ELP song it says " there might have been things I missed, but don't be unkind, it don't mean I'm blind, perhaps there's a thing or two..."
My wife is always after me to learn to accept compliments from people because "you do alot of things for people Charlie." I don't hate getting a compliment, I'm just not comfortable per se' with them.
I've been fortunate all of my life that my family and my friends have believed in me and pushed me to be this person, and I take that job seriously. I hope that I always pay it forward.
My true desire in life is to see the day when we all motivate, respect and envigorate one enother.
And, as in the song, "maybe we might have changed, and not been so cruel, not been such a fool..."
Believe in yourself my friends, work hard at your talents, develop them to perfection, and present them to a world that needs them. "You see it's all clear, you were meant to be here...from the beginning."

Support Live music today tomorrow and always.

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