Thursday, April 07, 2005

What's the Point? (letting some things go)

In my short life I've had to learn some hard lessons about letting go and moving on.
I don't know why that's such a seemingly impossible thing to do for so many people, but I know that it's difficult. Mind you I'm not necessarily a pack rat, but I could cling to something I like for decades before I let it go, I'm sure that it must drive my Wife insane, but hey that's me like it or not.
Recently, I came to some conclusions about certain things: this mainly involves people. I've always been one who tries to give people the benefit of the doubt; mostly because I realize that we are all fallible and we are all human, so mistakes can and will be made but I'm now of the mindset that while some things ( well...maybe most things) happen for a reason we can set ourselves on a course that will ultimately lead us to places where we don't want to know, play with fire, you'll get burned!
I ran into a guy that I went to college with named Bud Anderson ( a really nice and well meaning guy) Bud has become pretty successful at most of his endeavors, and he was sharing with me over lunch some of the things that he's doing with his life.
Anyway, he asked me about becoming involved with the Alumni Association of West Virginia State University (ne'e College), our Alma Mater, and as hard as it was for me to do this I had to flatly turn him down. Why? Well, if you remember a few blogs back I told of how I once thought that I was fairly popular in school only to find out just how much I wasn't. When I was in school I really did try to be a good friend to mostly eveybody, and I did in fact help lots of people in college and since we've graduated. I can't tell you how many times I've been approached by folks asking for all kinds of stuff of me...and I came through.
Now, when I've asked the same of them with regard to supporting my band I haven't heard from one soul, and truthfully that has hurt my feelings immeasurably.
I realize that I shouldn't expect things from people just because I did them a good turn, but I'm not asking them to go out on a limb or over-extend themselves, all I ask is that they go to their local nightclubs, concert venues and talk us up, we'll do the rest.
Some of these people are even in positions to really help us. One guy I know is the manager of the great trumpeter Wynton Marsalis, another lady is the head of A and R for CBS/Sony, and still another was formerly the president of Black Music Association of America.
What's the point? The point is that like it or not I have to let go of my grip on the dream of classmates coming through like the towns people came through for George Bailey in "It's A Wonderful Life." No matter what, I've got to keep on keeping on.

Thank you Elizabeth for your kind words...they meant alot !

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