Friday, June 09, 2006

Standing Off the Stage

Well I'm recovering nicely, so far so good. I'm making progress one day at a time, and slowly but surely regaining my strength
This is a weird state for me, I haven't been off a stage like this in a really long time. I think the last time that I had been away from a stage this long might have been in 1973 when I wasn't playing music with anyone, and I was in college.
I have to tell you that I miss the excitement of playing with the Carpenter Ants, but I'm glad that they are still plowing forward even without me. It has to be difficult for them as well, I'm sure, especially when Ted (Harrison, our bassist) calls me to see how I'm doing.I can hear in his voice that they miss me being there, but believe me not half as much as I miss them.
When you're standing off the stage like this and you want to be in the game it's hard to watch your teammates (or bandmates in this case...) sort of struggle along.
Alot of good I must admit though, will come of this respid; for one,while I'm off from work for these couple of months I have been in touch with my inner self, and have been doing alot of soul searching. One thing that jumped out at me is that I haven't found myself in prayer for a long time, and as a Muslim that is not good.
I hate to admit it but I've been away from the Mosque for far too long, and as a result I find myself in a strange circumstance.
I have firmly believed that as a direct result of my taqwa (oneness) with Allah, He blessed me to have many of my desires.I asked for a wife, he granted my wish, I asked for a group of like minded individuals to play music with, He granted my desire, I asked to find a Mosque, and a Muslim community, He filled my need.I've been given virtually all that I've asked for, but I haven't given Allah anything in return, and that is shameful.
Now when my health is in jeopardy, here I am begging for forgiveness, and to be spared my life, and not only did He do it, but reinvigorated my life as well, and the least I can do is to pray and thank Him for his blessing.
Well, I want to say publicly that I am grateful to Allah for His mercy, and I am truly grateful to Him for the gift of friendship that I have gotten from all of you.All of your prayers and kind words have gone to my pain and removed it, and now I'm well on my way to making my way back to the stage that I love dearly, to my bandmates whom I love dearly, and to you.
Many people have sacrificed of themselves on my behalf, and I hope Insha-Allah (if it be the will of Allah ), that I will continue to be a catalyst for mankind to come to their Lord, and to come together as loving human beings.
Alhamdu-llilah (all praise is due to Allah), Allahu akbar (God is great).
I realize now that sometimes standing off the stage gives you a better perspective of what's on it, it allows you to see more clearly the things you need to make your show that much better...please pray that I do.

Support Live music today tomorrow and always...but put God first.


libco said...

Great blog! Thanks for nudging me!
Love you, get better soon.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi charlie, i am happy for you. you are blessed. i believe the divine is beeter than the best of us and far more understanding.

everyone's heart is an open book and happiness is our gift. be well charlie!

Jen said...

I am so glad you are doing better! By the way, I saw that the Ants are playing at the Chili Cookoff event in Charleston. Will you be back on stage then?

Charlie Tee said...

Hi Jen, I'm hoping to be ready by then,I'm getting plenty of rest, and I've been walking quite a bit to build up my strength.
Keep your fingers crossed...and say lots of prayers.
I won't be doing any dancing or my usual antics, but for now this will have to suffice.
Thank you, and Sherry, and everyone else for thinking about me and keeping my spirits up.