Saturday, June 11, 2005

What Does It Take?

Saxophonist Junior Walker asked the musical question, "what does it take, to win your love from me? How can I make this dream come true for me."
I pose the same question to you ( my readers)...
I feel as though here in my adopted hometown of Charleston WV, it has become increasingly and considerably harder to render the music of my band the Carpenter Ants. Charlestonians seem be starting to give up on us. Wednesdays at the Empty Glass, people are non exsistent, Sundays at the post Mountain Stage show are a little better, but not much, so I want to know have the Ants lost our luster, is it all too familiar for you?
I know that at some point every band gets old, but that's the reason that some of them re-invent themselves. Herein lies the reinvent yourself you have to re-invent your crowd as well, which generally means that a band has to go someplace else and start over and redifine themselves as well. Is this really necessary?
I think that if we were given a real chance to accomplish our goals musically, playing a situation like Good Morning America's Concert Series, the Today Show, or the Early Show's, Second Cup Cafe' that we would represent West Virginia extremely well, but it's harder if there's no you, the audience. Without your support, you reduce us to just another struggling band.
Alot of the process that you don't realize has happened, we were signed to a record label, Gaff Music, and we gave them the rights to distribute our 3rd CD, but something happened and it has not been released, and now it's just sitting there collecting dust, and we're here trying to figure out our next move. It's a very difficult and trying process, but what would make it not so hard and at least more palatable is looking out and seeing Charleston pulling for us.
I also understand that it is a bit hard to come out for live music in the middle of the work week, but in the words of Ferris Buehler..."life moves pretty fast, sometimes you gotta stop and look around or else, you'll miss it ( from the movie: Ferris Buehler's Day Off)."
We're not giving up, but I'm making an empassioned plea with my hometown, don't give up on us, because we're not giving up on you, help us figure out what we can do to break into the industry. Let your friends and colleagues know about us and utilize us. You know that we'll work with you. E-mail us or inform us about musical events that we can tap into.
My e-mail address is:, and Michael Lipton's is:
Charleston, it's your turn to help push a band through the door of the industry, but what does it take? The answer is left to you.


The Pink Supervisor said...

"It's easy to get discouraged when you feel as though you're trying you’re hardest and there is no one there to hear you, but we just look at it as another chance to rehearse."

Yes we know that feeling! We've only had that really happen to us once, and i still think even when things are empty-ish, it’s good to practice playing together, having a quick turn-over, and maintaining an energy and flow to the set.

As I’ve said, we have never really gigged much, and we've always gigged in the shadows of other bands, whether they have been better than us, or terrible!

Recently, (If you’ve been reading my blog!), we have had a possibility offered to us (we still don’t know how true it is), of doing some support gigs for a friends band. Last few gigs we’ve done, we’ve always been well received in a sense. We always got lots of clapping and stuff. But there is a problem. We’ve played some originals which have never gone down well. Soul/funk stuff… nobody really wants to listen to it. And nobody really wants to listen to us play any chilled blues. It has to be power, it has to be fast, and it has to be accessible. Looks like re-inventing ourselves! I’ve even got a poll on my blog for deciding our band name! (We’ve generally had a different one for each gig. We can’t really do that if we’re going to try and earn a fan base!) The link for a standalone poll page is . Please post it on your blog! We’re deciding between Blue Form and Blind Soul really. It’s sad to hear that you’ve got a downtime … but I don’t doubt you’ll pull out of it! I look forward to hearing it.

Anonymous said...