Monday, March 21, 2005

A Family In Music...

Today, I'm happy to report that the slump I felt has mostly disappeared. Last night was pretty fun save a few glitches...
The music of my night happened after I got home (3 am , ahhhhhh!!!).
Playing at the club was alot of fun but when I got home I checked my e-mail messages. I received an e-mail from my cousin Patricia in Brooklyn ( I'm gonna do a blog about my wife and family soon, it will help you understand my music), she told me that my long lost step-Sister has been trying to reach me and that I needed to contact her asap... Bowl me over with a feather!
Calling my Sister Jill (Janus Adams) this morning was like a step back in time, mainly because we lost so many years. We did manage to condense a great many years into our short time on the phone.(I know that I'm rambling but hang in there with me for a moment!).
Jill informed me that she is still playing the piano ( she was a prodigy), and that she has written some books and done a great many things, and we generally got caught up. The main reason that she was trying to reach me is that she had something for me that belonged to my late Father. It was his off- duty New York City Fire Department hat; something that I coveted deeply while my Dad was alive. Being a Fireman meant everything to him; as much as being a musician has meant to me.
It's a very lucky person who finds his or her true calling in life.For me that calling has been my wife, music, family and my extended family of friends...all of them are the essence of my music.
In the journal this time there is nothing really to report ( at least not in terms of ups or downs), but I needed to share this with you because if you're like me all of these things have influence in your music which in turn can be the up or the down...just like the best melody.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Just checking out your blog. I like it. Cool about your sister.

I want to take D-M to the fire station and get her photo taken with a truck for the guys back in NJ. :D