Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Melody That's Closest to Me...Vickie

Many years ago when I was in the search for a significant other ( what's the deal with that term!!!) I went through changes like you would not believe. Now I'm not trying to tell you that I'm exactly the catch of the day, nor am I saying that I was or am an angel, but the dating scene was Hell. That is, until I met Vickie, then slowly but surely my life has evolved.
To say that I'm the luckiest person in the world is only giving you a portion of the picture. Vickie is my reason for getting up everyday and striving even a little bit toward my goals in music...or for that matter, anything.
Now I don't want you to think that I had or have no goals in life, but for me to able to share my life with someone so worthwhile is ultimately fulfilling.
She is inspiring to me in so many ways. I know some of you may be going "for crying out loud, gimme a break." That might be true of some relationships, but I really do feel this way. My wife has afforded me a life of little stress; she's not the kind of person who will watch you do all the work and just reap the benefits, she'll work as hard or harder to see us through our goals.
Formerly she was Radiologic Technologist (that's an X-ray tech for the unhip) and a damn fine one at that (just ask some of her co-workers).
As I have strived to become a better musician, I've studied rhythm and I've studied harmony, but the melody that has been closest to me is my Vickie, in the key of love.

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