Monday, March 13, 2006

Festina Lente

Today my wife Vickie learned a valuable lesson about time and energy.
For years she always moved at the speed of light, taking care of our family as a part of her daily routine, but at break neck speed.
It's taken me quite a few years to get her to relax and take time for her, the way she wants it. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for all of the attention, but nothing is more important than yourself, first.
I always hope that I'm not the kind of husband that feels he's got to have his wife at his beck and call 24/7. I can cook, I'm capable of keeping our home tidy and neat, and I do help out, so at times it would be aggravating because I want Vickie to pamper herself . If anyone on this Earth ever deserved it, she does. She has worked her butt off all of her life.
This morning prior to reading her daily devotionals, she was doing 10 things at once, getting me ready for work, getting my breakfast ready, doing a load of laundry, and just meeting her day head on at untold speeds.Finally, at some point she sat down to read her daily devotionals, and in there was a passage about slowing down and taking time....and much to her amazement, whatever she read made all kind of sense.She realized that yes, I do need to take my time, there's just no need to rush.With this in mind she set out and changed her pattern, she still got all that she needed to do accomplished, but with this new attitude, she enjoyed her day so much more.
The term festina lente is a Latin term meaning to "make haste slowly." When I lived in New York, there was a gentleman named Ed Ramsey who had that phrase on a plaque on his desk.He told me after 2 heart attacks that that became his reality, and his creed.
Most people are working toward some goal, or goals, and they are moving so fast that even if the goals are met they can't truly enjoy it, and that to me is criminal.I want to be in music, but I really try to take it slowly.I never concern myself too much with the length of time that this has taken me rather than taking it a day at a time and enjoying the process.
To many people who know me it would seem as if I'm everywhere at once, but even though omniscience is a lofty goal at best it's simply not true in my case.Rather, my thing is is that I work pretty hard in my daily life, and I've made my schedule with this music just that, a schedule. In other words I've worked out a strategy for the way that I strive for it...and for me it works.It gives me some time for me, as well as gives the necessary devotion to the other part of my work life.
Be passionate about your life, but be more passionate about your time, for it's the only thing that we give away freely that we can't get back.
As the saying goes: take time to smell the roses, but make your haste slowly...Festina Lente.

This post is dedicated to my rose, Vickie.enjoy your life sweetie, you earned it.

Support Live music today tomorrow and always.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

you are just so sweet, and you are right! say hello to vicki for me.

Jen said...

I can't wait to meet Vicki! I have heard so many things about her. :)